<MISS = SDC, DES = 1800:0910:Safe distance from Gravitational Anomaly, RAR= 000,TIL= 000,>
//once you arrive YOU MIGHT ask HQ if you should stay there or abandon the mission
<MSG69= <HEAR=process>>
#departArea,Let's approach the area from a different direction.,
#departArea,Returning to the area to complete the survey.,
#hover,Let's keep an eye on the gravitational anomalies in this area.,
<CCMD = #returnStarBase,200 : 200,
<MO_HQ_EV0 = 1,>
<MO_HQ_EV1 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd1,>
<LEVTMAP = #blackHole,500,500,Black hole in area., #asteroid,600,200,Asteroid field,>